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Mission Statement

EUSIPA pursues, as umbrella association for issuers, the aim to coordinate transparency initiatives at the European level and to support uniform market standards. Through us many issuers engage in direct discussions with the decision-makers at European level.

Structured Products have become an established part of the retail financial products landscape. They offer, especially as certificate in a note-based format, many opportunities to the investor. Firstly, they open regional markets and asset classes that are difficult or impossible to access directly. Secondly, they offer returns also in markets moving side-wards or falling. Thirdly, they are highly liquid, meaning that they can be bought and sold within any time of the day.

To make national markets grow together to a cross-border level playing-field our members see the necessity of retaining attractive and fair framework conditions in Europe. Our members contribute for their part by adhering to a set of principles drawn up as self-regulatory framework for issuers, by promoting initiatives for uniform product classification such as the EUSIPA map and by enhancing product and market transparency on an overall basis.

EUSIPA was founded in 2009 by six main trade bodies that at the time represented already the interests of structured product issuers in Europe’s leading markets.

Currently EUSIPA’s members are the national issuer associations from Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands and the United Kingdom.  EUSIPA is an international non-profit association registered under Belgian law and also listed in the EU transparency register.

Please contact us should you wish to receive more information.

EUSIPA Members

Full Members

Associazione Italiana Certificati e Prodotti di Investimento (ACEPI)

The Associazione italiana certificati e prodotti di investimento is the specified trade body for the issuers of structured products in Italy, established in 2006. The association which provides for an excellent network with other industry associations in Italy, is very actively engaged in the dialogue with the national regulator. ACEPI also seeks to support a more research-based work approach in cooperating with selected academic institutions.

  • Phone: + 33 (0) 6 0996 3513
  • E-Mail:
  • Web:
Association Française des Produits Dérivés de Bourse (AFPDB)

The Association française des produits dérivés en bourse was set up in 2008 to promote and to further the development of the derivatives industry in the French retail market. It has over the years become an acknowledged voice for the industry with well-established working relationships to local and European regulators.

  • Phone: +33 (0) 6 09 96 35 13
  • E-Mail:
  • Web:
Bundesverband Strukturierter Wertpapiere (BSW)

Bundesverband Strukturierter Wertpapiere (BSW), is the industry’s representative body for the leading issuers of structured products in Germany. Transparency and the education of retail investors both lie at the heart of the BSW’s mission. By way of establishing industry standards and effective communication with regulators and supervisory bodies, the Association aims to improving the political and regulatory conditions for structured products in Germany and at the European level.

  • Phone: +49 (69) 244 33 03 – 60
  • Web:
Belgian Structured Investment Products Association (BELSIPA)

BELSIPA was founded in 2013 as local trade body for the issuers of structured products, including those in fund or insurance format and has in the meantime become a full member in EUSIPA. The association is an Associate Member in FEBELFIN, the Belgian financial sector umbrella organisation. BELSIPA provides to its members a key contact for the regulatory dialogue and is engaged in many projects that relate to standardization and investor education.

  • Phone: +32 2550 3415
  • E-Mail:
  • Web:
Nederlands Structured Products Association (NEDSIPA)

The Nederlands Structured Invstment Products Association was founded as the trade body of structured product issuers on the Dutch market in 2013. In the specific Dutch environment which is distinguished by leverage products more than any other European market NEDSIPA is the prime point of contact for regulators and market-stakeholders alike.

Swedish Exchange-Traded Investment Products Association (SETIPA)

The Swedish association for exchange traded products has been created in 2009 jointly by market representatives. SETIPA aims at encouraging greater understanding of exchange-traded investment products in order to contribute to the industry’s efforts for greater transparency and, likewise, in order to strengthen the retail investors’ ability to make better informed decisions. SETIPA thus performs informational and educational activities as well as provides input to lawmaking process aiming at an efficient and competitive legislation for retail financial services.

  • Phone: +46 73-7034108
  • Phone: +358 (10) 444 2552
  • E-Mail:
  • Web:
Swiss Structured Products Association (SSPA)

The Swiss Structured Products Association (SSPA) was established in 2006 to represent the shared interests of the most important market stakeholders within the structured products industry. Without engaging in commercial activities of its own, the SSPA maintains and represents its members’ shared interests in structured products. In addition, the Association aims to improve understanding and knowledge of structured products and to have a lasting positive influence on the operating conditions for these innovative financial products within the Swiss financial centre. Today the Association represents more than 95 % of the market volume for structured products in Switzerland.

  • Phone: + 41 (43) 534 97 72
  • E-Mail:
  • Web:
UK Structured Products Association (UKSPA)

The UK Structured Products Association provides a voice for the UK-based retail structured products industry with the purpose of educating the investment community.
Today, the association has grown to 13 members and continues to work with IFAs, the regulator and other trade bodies to help drive the development of this market further.

  • Phone:+ 44 207 676 7923
  • E-Mail:
  • Web:
Zertifikate Forum Austria (ZFA)

Zertifikate Forum Austria was founded in 2006 by the leading domestic issuers on the local market and has become in the meantime a well-established voice of the industry contributing regularly to a range of subjects including investor education, regulatory discussions and many initiatives taken by the sector on the national and European level.

  • Phone: + 49 (172) 671 76 13
  • E-Mail:
  • Web:
Luxembourg Structured Investment Products Association (LUXSIPA)

LUXSIPA’s mission is to promote and strengthen the Luxembourg-based structured products industry as a high-quality segment at the service of market players and public authorities. The Association has created strong links with the national financial sector association ABBL ( and is recognized by the Luxembourg financial industry as a centre of competence for every subject related to structured products.

  • Phone: +352 (0) 4636601
  • E-Mail:
  • Web:

Corporate Bodies


The members of the Board are appointed
by the General Assembly for a two-years period. They set out the main priorities of EUSIPA, deliberate on any matter related
to the purpose of the association and implement the decisions of the General Assembly.

General Assembly

The members of the association are convened to the General Assembly each one represented by one individual. Several important decisions are submitted to this meeting, including the strategic direction of the association, the approval of the annual accounts and budget and the appointment of the board members.

Categorisation Committee

The categorisation committee is another key technical working body of EUSIPA. Its members follow the evolution of the structured products landscape and prepare regular updates of  the EUSIPA map, our central element to group the product offering in the EUSIPA markets according to the instrument-specific risk profile. The committee also manages the subscriptions of financial institutions to the status of a EUSIPA map supporter.


Principles Committee

The Principles Committee was established to foster any self-regulatory initiatives of our members that aim at strengthening the European marketplace through framework (or principled) rules. Its main work subject are the EUSIPA Principles, a Code of Conduct for issuers, establishing rules for product and service quality in our markets. The idea behind working on such standards for the structured investment business in Europe is to make the sector governance more transparent for cross-border investors and give guidelines to national member associations.


Members of our associations